Welcome to the News Roundup, where we aim to provide brief recaps of current news from the Diocese, including the Bishop’s Council, Task Forces, and more. Canons and Constitution Task Force When our Diocese was formed in 2013, the Constitution and Canons that we drafted alongside the...

Dearest Brothers and Sisters of the Upper Midwest Diocese, Today the ACNA Provincial Office announced that a Board of Inquiry found reasonable grounds to take me to an ecclesiastical trial. The charges are based on a presentment circulated by an attendee of one of our diocesan...

Dearest Brothers and Sisters of the Upper Midwest Diocese, We’re aware that many of you received the Archbishop’s email regarding the Decision and Order by the Provincial Tribunal and Archbishop Foley Beach’s subsequent response. These statements represent a significant disagreement between the Provincial Tribunal—the high court...

Leaders Share Stories and Highlights By Bonnie McMaken, editor Hope and renewed energy around the beauty of Jesus and his good news filled Holy Week 2023 throughout the Diocese of the Upper Midwest. [caption id="attachment_3056" align="alignright" width="350"] Palm Sunday, Christ Church of Madison. Photo by Jonny Hoffner.[/caption] Many diocesan...

[caption id="attachment_3032" align="alignright" width="400"] Father Pete Berg (front left) and Pam Keske (front right) help offer youth a sense of belonging at Church of the Cross. Photo by Skylar Zilka.[/caption] In February, Church of the Cross (MN) and Bishop Stewart confirmed 11 youth. Let’s take a closer look...

Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Upper Midwest Diocese, Blessed Epiphany-tide! Right before Christmas, I shared with you the news that on December 19, 2022, our Diocesan Assembly ratified our revised constitution by a two-thirds majority vote. Moreover, the Assembly was a critical time for us as a...