Our Distinctives

We are bound to Jesus and His Church.

We celebrate the ties that bind us—because when we are bound to our faith and one another, we are bound for more.

Our Cultural Distinctives

These five characteristics of our diocese orient us on our journey toward boundless revival.

  • Familial: We are marked by close relationships with Jesus and one another and we have a strong commitment to being a diverse-culture family.
  • Orthodox: We are “mere Christians,” united by orthodox theology as modeled by the Acts 2 Church.
  • Responsive: We are willing to follow the Spirit to new places and new things.
  • Pioneering: We are always seeking new opportunities for church growth, expansion, and multiplication.
  • Creative: We are delighted by how God uses people’s unique gifts for His mission.

Our 5 “S” Values

While our congregations are culturally distinct, our diocesan home is theologically aligned. Our values are modeled after the Acts 2 Church.

1) Fully Scriptural

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching” (Acts 2:42)

We recognize the Bible as God’s Word to us. We devote ourselves to the teaching of the Scriptures as the core foundation and authority for all belief and behavior. The Scriptures fuel our prophetic voice to renew our culture and transform our lives. We make God’s Word accessible to all, regardless of age or level of education. We develop a personal knowledge of and interaction with the Bible. We are committed to interpreting the Bible within the gift of the Apostolic tradition.

2) Fully Sacramental

“to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to the prayers” (Acts 2:42)

We experience the living presence of our Lord in the Church. We encounter Jesus in Baptism, Holy Communion, and prayer. We position ourselves under the authority of the Church, encountering the personhood of the Church, who is a “she,” not an “it.”   We see the spiritual world and material world as intertwined: God reveals Himself through creation. Matter matters. Baptism and Holy Communion minister the real presence of Jesus to the Christian. This sacramental fullness appears in our liturgy, in our art and music, and in our lives.

3) Full of the Spirit

“All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:4)

We serve under the authority of the Spirit, submitted to His leading, manifesting the living Kingdom of God, and living a supernatural life. The Holy Spirit lives in every follower of Jesus to teach us the truth, comfort us, and give us gifts for the building up of each other in the Church. The fullness of the Spirit appears through many gifts, including healing prayer, prophetic ministry, creativity, and encouragement.

4) Free to Sacrifice

“selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone in need” (Acts 2:45)

We want to be so Kingdom responsive that we may find ourselves being worldly irresponsible. This freedom to sacrifice appears through our fasting, service, welcoming of the lost and the least, generosity with money, forgiveness, reconciliation, and following Jesus even when the cost is high. Being mother or father, husband or wife, celibate—all require consistent sacrifice. We honor spiritual fathers and mothers.  We ask all to live a sacrificial life, recognizing that the cost is different for each individual. We honor chastity, waiting, self-sacrifice, and counter-cultural generosity.

5) Focused on the Salvation of Others

“And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47)

As we have been saved, so we seek to invite everyone into a transforming relationship with Jesus and His Church, proclaiming the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. We deeply desire that the Lord will be drawing new believers to Himself through Her people. We welcome the newcomer; we multiply groups and plant churches; we love, bless, and pray for unbelieving family members, neighbors, co-workers, and friends—all of this in order to invite everyone into personal faith in Jesus and into the life of the Church.

Our Beautiful Dichotomies

Where others might find tensions, we find opportunities for synergy.

There’s a beautiful dichotomy at the heart of the Christian faith: the more bound we are to Jesus, the freer we are for His transforming work in us and through us. So we start and lead churches—rooted in Word and Sacrament infused by the power of the Holy Spirit— so that people in the Upper Midwest can be united with Jesus and His Church, preparing us all for boundless revival.

  • Expansion born through intimacy
    Because healthy growth needs a strong center.
  • Individual transformation born through kinship
    Because personal growth is catalyzed by the larger Body of Christ.
  • Adventure born through tradition
    Because we’re Spirit-led pioneers with roots.
  • Identity born through imitation
    Because our true selves are revealed as we become more like Jesus.
  • Action born through reflection
    Because what we think gives shape to what we do—and sacramentalism bridges both.

The significance of our seal

Our seal signifies our commitment to the Word (Bible) and Sacraments (chalice) infused by the power of the Holy Spirit (dove).

Meet the leaders of our diocese.