
Events are opportunities to invest in our vision.

Take time to invest in our relationships with Jesus and one another through a set-apart time of learning, worship, and friendship.

Fully Alive: Healing Conferences

October 22-26, 2019 | Tuesday Evening – Saturday Morning

Join us for an immersive five-day conference seeking to create a space for biblical clarity and Holy Spirit ministry surrounding the establishment and healing of whole human identity in Jesus.

Learn More


Revive Conference 2018

Friday, October 26 at 8:00am through Saturday, October 27 at 12:30pm

God has given you gifts—and we want to equip you to understand and use these gifts for the Church and for our world. At Revive Conference 2018, encounter Jesus during powerful worship, learn from seasoned leaders in plenary and breakout sessions, and be strengthened and commissioned for God’s calling on your life!

More information and registration available here.