14 Jun Missives from Israel and GAFCON
Bishop Stewart sends his love from Israel. Bishop Stewart, Katherine, Fr. Eirik Olsen, and others from the Upper Midwest Diocese are traveling in Israel and attending the Global Anglican Future Conference.
From Bishop Stewart:
“I am more convinced than ever that GAFCON is a true Anglican Revival movement. It was a special joy to see Archbishops praying together with twenty-something leaders in small group time, to spend time with so many Africans who lived the East African Revival, and to witness the rich Bible teaching.
This morning I met the daughter of Bp Festo Kivengere (the Anglican Revivalist who suffered under Idi Aminin in Uganda) who prayed for me and for an Upper Midwest Revival. Katherine and I are very encouraged. We do miss you all so much and wish you could be here with us.
GAFCON has just released a letter to all of the churches affirming our commitment to proclaim the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, reform God’s church, and reach out to God’s world. I encourage all of you to read it. It’s available in both English and Spanish.

Entire gathering of GAFCON on the steps of the temple in Jerusalem. Photo courtesy of the ACNA.