Reporting Misconduct

Report a Concern

If you have a concern regarding any form of misconduct in one of our diocesan churches, please report your concern. If you see something, please say something.

You may make a report to our independent Intake Officer through one of these three methods. The initial information you provide will only be received by the Intake Officer. 

Call the Intake Officer at 817-988-1941

Email the Intake Officer

Complete the Report a Concern Form

Intake Officer

Meet Kristi Heffron, our independent intake officer

Kristi Heffron serves as Intake Officer for the ACNA West’s Misconduct Office. She has served as the Finance Director and Intake Officer for the Diocese of Fort Worth. Prior to this, she spent her twenty-year career as a Chief Compliance Officer for three large investment firms.

Conducting investigations into potential wrongdoing, gathering facts, conducting interviews, and assessing actions against policies and procedures were a large part of her daily work. In addition to investigations, Kristi wrote policy manuals, interpreted SEC laws and regulations to ensure compliance with the principals of the law, and created systems and reporting structures within the organization. Much of her time was spent creating and training others to properly document their work.

Most recently, Kristi served on the ACNA Taskforce for Adult Misconduct, writing many of the proposed policies and procedures. Kristi has overseen investigations for the Diocese of Fort Worth and is currently serving on a Response Team for the Diocese of Christ our Hope. 

Kristi has a BA in English and an MS in Management. She and her husband John serve as Apartment Life missionaries in Haltom City, Texas, living in an urban apartment community as representatives of the gospel. They have two grown daughters, Elizabeth and Lillian.

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