ACNA West Partnership & More – News Roundup May 2024

Welcome to the News Roundup, where we aim to provide brief recaps of current news from the Diocese, including the Standing Committee, Task Forces, and more.

The following updates were given at the virtual Synod meeting on Saturday, May 4. Formerly the Diocesan Assembly, the Synod is the primary legislative body composed of clergy and an elected number of lay delegates based on each congregation’s average Sunday attendance.

In This Issue:
ACNA West Partnership & Misconduct Reporting
Diocesan Safeguarding 
Clergy Discipline Task Force
RSO and Misconduct Prevention Task Forces
Save the Dates

ACNA West Partnership & Misconduct Reporting
On April 16, the Standing Committee unanimously voted to become a member diocese of ACNA West. ACNA West is a group of dioceses who are partnering for mutual accountability in a common mission and vision of “reaching North America with the saving love of Jesus Christ”. This collaborative partnership enables member dioceses to share resources and provides support through key initiatives such as: a misconduct office and intake officer, equipping lay people, church planting, theological formation, replication, and bishop collegiality.

The mission of ACNA West’s Misconduct Office is “to coordinate initial inquiry of all reported concerns and provide uniform reports to dioceses. To coordinate resources to assist in diocesan response to complaints and investigations”.

The people of the Upper Midwest have full access to the Misconduct Office’s reporting services via a neutral, third-party Intake Officer whose expertise spans a twenty-year career. As a Chief Compliance Officer for three large investment firms, her responsibilities included conducting investigations into potential wrongdoing, gathering facts, conducting interviews, and assessing actions against policies and procedures. Besides receiving misconduct complaints involving clergy, staff, or laity of member dioceses, the Intake Officer also serves as a resource as we continue to research best practices in safeguarding policies, procedures, and care.

You can view the diocesan misconduct reporting page here.

Diocesan Safeguarding
On May 5, the Synod approved the proposed diocesan budget, which includes a part-time Safeguarding Administrator (see the job description). This position will oversee church compliance, review ongoing best practices, and help update the policies, procedures, and standards. He or she will also provide support to children’s leaders and staff in the continued implementation of our Child Protection Standards. To apply, please send a resume to

A new Safeguarding Committee, including the Safeguarding Administrator, will be formed by the Standing Committee to continue reviewing policies, incorporate developing best practices, and seek consultations. The Upper Midwest remains committed to helping to protect its most vulnerable members.

Clergy Discipline Task Force
Bishop Martyn Minns, chair of the Task Force and consultant to the Diocese, provided a final update on several clergy. The Standing Committee sent summaries of this update to rectors, who will in turn share with parish councils/vestries. Please contact your rector with any questions.
RSO and Misconduct Prevention Task Forces
The Registered Sex Offender (RSO)and Misconduct Prevention Task Forces have completed draft policy standards for diocesan churches which the Standing Committee will review. 
Save the Dates
Revive Conference  – October 25-26, 2024, Friday evening through Saturday late afternoon
Synod – details forthcoming

Stay Connected
The Upper Midwest seeks to connect you to leaders and ministries across the Diocese via timely updates, clear information, and encouraging ministry reports via three e-publications: 

  1. UMD Stories – encouraging ministry news of how the Lord is moving through churches in the diocese. Read the last issue here
  2. The News Roundup – brief recaps of current news from the Diocese, including the Standing Committee, Task Forces, and more. Read the last issue here.
  3. Leaders’ Latest – greetings from Bp. Stewart and his introduction to an inspiring lay leader, church staff, or leader from the Diocese. Read the last issue here.

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