28 Oct A Building for $1
Restoration at Restoration Anglican

Fr. Rick & Molly Jo Stawarz
Fr. Rick and Molly Jo Stawarz planted Restoration Anglican in Minneapolis in 2017 as a daughter of Church of the Cross. After three-plus years as a nomadic church meeting indoors and out, God gave them a staggering gift.

Restoration Anglican’s new building in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Early this year Restoration Anglican was offered a church building for the price of $1. A local congregation in a season of sunset felt led to offer its building to Restoration, fully supporting its vision to see a revival of Word and Sacrament in Minneapolis.
Restoration Rector Rick Stawarz says in a recent letter, “We strongly believe (and have now witnessed firsthand!) that one of the most powerful ways to reach new believers and rejuvenize those who’ve wandered away is through the planting of new churches. Our building will be a house of worship, healing, and mission.”
The building is in good condition, but needs renovations to better suit the needs of the congregation and neighborhood. Of a total remodel price tag of $360,000, only $55,000 remains to raise. Read the whole story here.
This article was first published in Upper Midwest News, October 2021.