Video greetings from Archbishop Ben Kwashi of Jos, Nigeria

As you may know, Archbishop Ben Kwashi of the Diocese of Jos, Nigeria, has been receiving chemo treatments in the US for stage 4 colon and liver cancer since November. Early this month Bishop Stewart paid a second visit to Abp. Ben  and his wife, Mama Gloria, in Virginia, where he found Abp. Ben in good spirits. 

Bp. Stewart and the Kwashis have enjoyed 20+ years of friendship and ministry partnership, including reciprocal mission visits between the Diocese of Jos, Nigeria, and our diocese. The Kwashis run a Christian school and have adopted more than 50 children orphaned by war. Abp. Ben also serves as GAFCON General Secretary. 

The Kwashis send you this video greeting along with Bp. Quigg Lawrence, who has been hosting the couple. The Upper Midwest Diocese, Church of the Resurrection and Bp. Quigg’s diocese, Christ of Hope, have contributed financially to help offset Abp. Ben’s medical expenses.

Please continue to pray for complete healing for Abp. Ben and protection for our brothers and sisters in the Diocese of Jos, as well as the persecuted church in Nigeria and throughout the world.