Pray for Bishops’ Conclave, Provincial Council and Assembly

Dear Upper Midwest Diocese, 

Following requests from multiple clergy and members of the ACNA, yesterday the Province sent this update, which in summary states that after filing his answers, Bp. Stewart’s canonical process continues. The filing of his answers is one step in the required procedural process. Last August, after the Province announced a trial, Bp. Stewart sent this letter to our Diocese.

Bishop Stewart remains grateful that the canonical process is moving forward and continues to desire openness. These proceedings finally provide an occasion for all sides to be heard. Please continue to pray for everyone involved, for true justice, godly resolution, and healing for all who have been hurt.

Three ACNA gatherings are happening this week and next week:

The Bishops’ Conclave (aka College of Bishops meeting) selects the new archbishop. (You can learn more about a Bishops’ Conclave here.)

The Provincial Council meets next Tuesday, June 25. The Council is the governing body of the ACNA. It can adopt changes to the ACNA Canons subject to the ratification of the Provincial Assembly.

The Provincial Assembly meets next Wednesday through Friday, June 26-28. Changes to the ACNA canons may be ratified by the Assembly. The Assembly has a larger group of delegates than the Council.

Bishop Stewart is currently traveling to the Bishops’ Conclave.  Join us in praying for their deliberations, and for the Provincial Council and Provincial Assembly meetings next Tuesday through Friday in Pennsylvania. Pray for the election of wise leaders, including a new archbishop and members of the Provincial Tribunal, ecclesiastical court, and executive committee.

In addition, the Provincial Council will review and vote on proposed canonical amendments. You can learn about the proposed changes to the Canons here. All amendments that have been approved by the recent Provincial Councils (since 2020) will be voted on at the Provincial Assembly.

Diocesan delegates to the Provincial Council include Bp. Stewart, Lay Canon to the Ordinary Brenda Dumper, Chair of the Standing Committee Fr. Kent Anderson, and his wife Ann Anderson. Council delegates are limited to the bishop, one clergy, and two lay people.

Our delegates to the Provincial Assembly include these Council delegates plus Dcn. Kaitlyn Wallett of Christ Church Madison (WI), Fr. Brett Crull of Church of the Resurrection (IL), and Lay Canon for Church Planting Molly Ruch of Church of the Cross (MN). The number of Assembly delegates is based on the average Sunday attendance of all churches in the Upper Midwest, thus limited to three clergy, three laity, and our bishop. Several other diocesan clergy plan to attend the Assembly with our diocesan team, but not as official delegates.

You can find the latest updates from the Standing Committee and diocesan task forces here and a synopsis of the new diocesan Constitution and Canons here.

In Christ, 

Fr. Kent Anderson, Chair
On behalf of The Standing Committee of the Upper Midwest
 Alyssa Tennison, vice-chair
 Fr. Will Chester 
 Kate Clark
 Dan Easley
 Dcn. Kaitlyn Wallett